So I have started looking into this lifestyle called minimalism. Something I have thought about before but didn't have a name for - looking at life in small spaces being happy with less stuff etc. I guess it is something I have wanted for years - I have actually had a fantasy where our house burns down just so ALL the stuff is gone. Pretty sure that is NOT normal. Since we move every 3 years or so I do clean out closets and drawers and have garage sales regularly - but there is still so much CRAP. My husband is a collector of all sorts of toys and what not, and the kids are definitely his - emotionally attached to their toys, and don't get me wrong I have plenty of unnecessary junk too.
We needed a family plan to clear out the unneeded, useless, or pointless. I decided to try and find 10 items a day to remove from the home; trash, sell, donate. I asked my husband to get rid of 10 items a week, he was a little worried but started out on board :-) I hope to keep him on the plan with me. The kids are aware of their Mother's freak-outs that lead to black trash bags getting filled and tossed in a panic so they are happy to have a say and get a chance to take part in the decisions. This weekend hubby cleared out his hanging clothes, I edited the Christmas decorations as I put them away, kids reduced their stuffed animals and dress up clothes (a miracle to be sure). Then I put a bunch of stuff on Craigslist, and I have been placing books in a bag to go to the used book store.
But all of that is the easy stuff. I know what is coming - those hard choices inherited tchotchkes, and pieces from childhood, and the worst - stuff other family members gave you because they couldn't throw it out. My sister-in-law had some great insight about these family "gifts" - it's okay, good even to be the one strong enough to let it go. Life should be about experience, knowledge, and love not STUFF. SO that is one thing I am trying to get to - less stuff. More life.
I read an article about giving kids experiences not things for gifts at Birthdays and Christmas. They were involved lessons, sporting packages, educational trips, time with professionals in assorted fields - real in depth events. They suggested getting friends and family on board to donate time, supplies or money to these adventures. I love the idea but my spouse and my mother LOVE to shop. There is a Birthday coming at the end of January, my baby turns 10 -- Challenge Accepted! I will keep you informed, about the gifts.