I am sitting here out of breath, and a little shaky as I drink my ice water. Let me walk you through my day so you can know how I came to be this relaxed (although I did need an aspirin). I had to drop the kids off at school, late - because I am having trouble sleeping. My spouse is away at a training event for a month, and I don't sleep well when he is gone. I was scheduled to volunteer at the school book fair, but it was early so I went on a short errand and bought a wonderful, powerful, 14 inch toy - that I needed. It was recommended to me and I was pleased with the purchase. I hurried to the book fair, wondering if I would get all my errands done, and return home before the kids. Then I thought it might be dangerous to try my new toy out, what if the kids came home and found me in a bad way.
The book fair was busy, so my mind was busy. The next errand was to go get groceries, and there was an accident so the traffic took awhile. When I made it home Drama Queen was waiting having forgotten her key, fortunately she did help put the food away. Then it was outside to start up my new toy, after a quick read over the directions (I mean really how difficult can this be - men do it!?!?). I fired up my brand new chain saw and started cutting down the scrub oak saplings that were causing trouble by shading my garden.
While I found it easy to down the trees, aiming the fall took a little skill. I took down seven of the rather small trees, and cut the trunks into small logs for my fire pit, before my arms were too tired from the vibrations to be safe. Drama Queen was kind enough to stand by with the phone in case I accidentally removed one of my limbs. She was worried by the way I laughed (she said cackled) as I wielded the wonderful toy. Wow what a day!!! I think I'll get a motorcycle next ;~)
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