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Monday, June 27, 2016

My time should be mine!!

So I am doing a poor job of getting to all the time management goals I set for myself - as always I am a work in progress :-\

This is more of a rant about people - friends and family who act as though their time and busy schedule are important enough to cause me to adjust my life to accommodate them. I have a friend that needs me more than I feel is necessary - she has anxiety issues and expects others help her. I want to be supportive but I have my own life and schedule to keep.

Then there is my father - my mother died a few years ago and she was the one who kept all family connection. Dad has a new girl friend and they travel often, and he spends time with her family who lives close to them. He can't seem to find the will/interest to come and visit my family.

Ok so I was too mad about time to make a post that made sense - and now this is a new week!!! Not that anyone is respectful of my time but maybe I can become respectful of my time.

Today Monday I went to the gym this morning and I swam when I got home and I am planning on going to the Zumba class tonight. I figure I may as well do what I want and take care of myself. We will see if that leads to any better health.

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